What Does it Mean to be a Factory Authorized Dealer?

For many professions, it is a necessity for corporations to obtain certification from a reputable organization. This reputable organization may be a major manufacturer, environmental protection agency, or even a government agency. Certification tells consumers that the organization is compliant with national standards. Accordingly, consumers tend to expect high-quality products and services from companies with a certification. In the HVAC industry, many businesses are striving to achieve the Bryant Factory Authorized Dealer designation. Dealers with this designation are permitted to use the “Authorized Dealer” logo on their websites and advertisements. Despite how difficult it is to achieve this designation, many consumers are not aware of what it means to be a factory authorized dealer. Here is some information about what it means to be a factory authorized dealer. Who Can Get this Certification? In the United States, there are thousands of HVAC companies. However, of these companies, only five percent are factory-authorized. In order to become factory-authorized, HVAC contractors and dealers who sell HVAC equipment need to meet the strict requirements established by Bryant Corporation, which is an industry leader in cooling and heating solutions. The requirements for the factory authorized dealer designation are as follows: Professional Competence The company...

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