How Do Air Purifiers Work?
One large part of ensuring the health and habitability of your San Antonio, TX home is protecting your indoor air quality (IAQ). Although your HVAC air filter offers a helping hand, it can’t extract all allergens, contaminants, and pathogens. In fact, many of the most common and significant pollutants — including volatile organic compounds (VOCs), dust mites, and airborne bacteria, fungi, and viruses — pass right through it. The good news is that you can maintain consistently clean indoor air by installing a whole-home air purifier. Read on to find out what whole-house air purifiers are, how they work, and why you might need one. What Are Whole-House Air Purifiers? Whole-house air purifiers are integrated HVAC accessories. These units are installed in HVAC ducting or attached directly to it. When heaters and air conditioners are on, conditioned air passes through integrated air purifiers just before distribution. These units extract the micro-fine particulates that HVAC air filters don’t capture and retain. The Basic Anatomy of a Whole-House Air Purifier Whole-house air purification equipment takes a multi-pronged approach to improving IAQ. Often referred to as air cleaners, air purifiers have thick, dense filters with ultra-fine mesh. Some have electronic filters that use...
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