Noisy AC? Try These Tips

A noisy air conditioner can ruin your sleep or your party, but there are many reasons why your unit might be making more sounds than you would like. Additionally, some of the sounds could be signs of other problems that you need to address so that you do not have bigger issues down the line. Other noises might be completely normal for your model, while some could indicate that you should get a new unit altogether. The following are some of the sounds that you should be aware of and how you can quiet your air conditioner. Problems With the Ducts First of all, you might hear a hissing sound if you have problems with your duct system. If you have a hole or crack in your ducts, you might start to hear hissing sounds as the air flows through those parts of the system. If there are holes, your AC system is not working efficiently, and this can lead to expensive energy loss. You can fix the holes and cracks, but you can also use insulation to further soundproof your home from the noises. Holes and Obstructions in the Drain Line Your air conditioner has a way of collecting...

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