Furnace Pressure Switches Explained: Learn the Basics

The furnace pressure switch ensures your heating system runs safely and effectively. Without it, harmful gases like carbon monoxide could linger instead of being expelled properly. If you’ve ever wondered what keeps your furnace in check or what might be causing it to shut down unexpectedly, the pressure switch is often at the heart of it. What Is a Furnace Pressure Switch? A furnace pressure switch is a small but critical component in modern heating systems. Its principal function is to serve as a safety device. The pressure switch, located near the draft inducer motor, checks the airflow through the system to ensure the furnace’s opening system is working properly. If the pressure switch detects inadequate airflow or an obstruction, it shuts off the system to avoid dangerous operation. This mechanism is fundamental because your furnace relies on proper venting to remove harmful gases like carbon monoxide. Without a functioning pressure switch, these gases could linger in your home, creating a serious safety hazard. The pressure switch is also important for the safety of your family and the life of your heating system because it keeps the furnace’s parts from getting damaged by poor airflow. How Does a Furnace Pressure...

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What Can Cause a Furnace Pressure Switch to Fail?

The pressure switch in a gas furnace is an important safety mechanism that ensures the furnace is drafting correctly. If the furnace doesn’t draft properly, it leads to dangerous combustion fumes being trapped inside the combustion chamber and heat exchanger instead of being vented outside. This can cause carbon monoxide to leak into your home. The fumes can also cause a delay before the furnace ignites, producing a small explosion or starving the flames of oxygen so that they escape or “roll out” of the combustion chamber. The pressure switch on your furnace can fail due to various issues. The pressure switch itself can sometimes wear out and fail to activate, but more commonly, it will stop working due to some other problem with the furnace. If the pressure switch ever fails, it will prevent the furnace from being able to start. Let’s now take a closer look at how the pressure switch works and what can cause it to fail. How a Furnace Pressure Switch Works A pressure switch is like any other switch; it makes a connection to allow electricity to flow across it. The pressure switch is activated or closed by the furnace’s inducer fan, which then...

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Why Do Heaters Smell Like They’re Burning When First Turned On?

Although you might not know that winter is around the corner, some smells will remind you. While for some people it’ll be the smell of pine trees and dinner in the oven, for others, it’ll be the burning smell when they turn on their heaters. This burning smell is a concern for many homeowners in San Antonio, although it’s avoidable. Thus, you shouldn’t be worried. Here’s all you need to know about the burning smell from your heater and how you can avoid it. A Burning Smell From Your Heater If you reside in San Antonio, you’re aware that the weather all year round is conducive and that a heater is not necessary. Thus, once you turn off the heater during Fall, you’ll turn it on during Winter. When the heater is not in use, dust will settle on the equipment. Hence, once you turn on the heater in your home, the fine layer of dust on your heater will first burn off. Therefore, the burning from your heater that you smell once you turn it on is that of burning dust. Is the Burning Smell Normal? This burning smell is a normal and natural phenomenon that occurs in every...

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What Causes Heating Repairs?

Updated On: 11/7/23 There many signs that will alert you to the need for heating repairs. The following are just a few of the most obvious and common. In some cases, you may not know why the problem has arisen, but this makes it all the more important to call a heating technician for an inspection. Inefficient Heating You may notice that the heater takes longer than usual to achieve the set temperature. You may notice that some rooms or floors are warmer than others. At the same time, your heating bills may be rising to unusual heights. These signify that the heating system is being compromised. For instance, dust may build up on the coils and other internal components of the heater, or the heat exchanger of a furnace may be cracked. Poor Indoor Air Quality When uneven heating (or cold spots) goes hand in hand with an increased presence of dust and other pollutants in the air, then you know that the issue lies in the air ducts and filters. While replacing air filters can be a DIY project, cleaning the ductwork is something that would require a heating repair professional. can send out just such a professional...

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3 Ways to Clean Your Heating System

Keeping your heater clean is one of the best ways to avoid a breakdown. If you don’t want to pay for expensive repairs or replacement in the near future, then it’s time to start taking care of your furnace. Here are three top tips for cleaning out your heating system and getting the most out of your investment: 1. Take a Safe Approach When cleaning your furnace, the most important step is the first: turning off the furnace. You want it to be powered off and if you have a gas furnace, you may also want to turn off the gas. For some specific tests and cleaning strategies, such as looking at the burner color to determine how clean the burners are, you may need to leave the heater on. For now, however, start with everything turned off. Use gloves and a mask if it’s particularly dirty because you don’t want to breathe in those particulates. When you approach your cleaning like our San Antonio HVAC professionals at , you set yourself up for success. 2. Clean out the Blower Assembly The blower assembly consists of a fan that helps move the heat generated by the furnace into your ventilation...

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How Often Are Heating System Replacements Needed?

While you may have a good idea of when you are supposed to replace other equipment in your house, knowing when it’s time for a new heating system may be more difficult. This lack of information stems from the fact that these systems are complicated. In addition to that, they vary in quality and may have different lifespans depending on the specific unit. Usually, the manufacturer will tell you how long they will last, but that is based on their assessment and not the conditions in your house. Heating Equipment Reliability and Maintenance Regardless of the make or model, all heating systems require annual maintenance. During maintenance, all parts are checked to ensure that they are working optimally. Usually, a system that is functioning optimally will last longer than a unit that is working harder than it needs to. With annual maintenance, you can expect a quality heating system to last anywhere from 10-20 years. Handling Repair Needs Extends the Life of Your System Another factor that is likely to affect heating system durability is the usage. Some people do not repair their systems when they show signs of breaking down. For instance, as long as the house is warm,...

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Warning Signs You Need Furnace Repair

Typically, furnaces are able to last for many years and require only minimal maintenance. Nevertheless, there may come times when your furnace needs to be repaired in order for it to continue operating safely and efficiently. Below, we’ll take a look at a few warning signs to watch for that indicate your furnace needs repairs. Increased Heating Bills If you notice that your heating bill has increased by a significant amount for no explainable reason, it may be that your furnace is no longer operating efficiently and needs to be repaired or replaced. Having a furnace that drives up your heating bill is a sign that your furnace may have serious problems. Repairs may be able to fix it, but an abnormally high heating bill often indicates that your furnace needs to be replaced. Noises Coming From Your Furnace If your furnace is squeaking or making popping noises, it could be that the furnace is damaged and needs to be repaired. Pay careful attention to any unusual sounds that your furnace makes and be sure to have it checked out if it is making noises. The Furnace is Blowing Cold Air If you feel cold air coming off of your...

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