3 Ways to Clean Your Heating System

Keeping your heater clean is one of the best ways to avoid a breakdown. If you don’t want to pay for expensive repairs or replacement in the near future, then it’s time to start taking care of your furnace. Here are three top tips for cleaning out your heating system and getting the most out of your investment: 1. Take a Safe Approach When cleaning your furnace, the most important step is the first: turning off the furnace. You want it to be powered off and if you have a gas furnace, you may also want to turn off the gas. For some specific tests and cleaning strategies, such as looking at the burner color to determine how clean the burners are, you may need to leave the heater on. For now, however, start with everything turned off. Use gloves and a mask if it’s particularly dirty because you don’t want to breathe in those particulates. When you approach your cleaning like our San Antonio HVAC professionals at , you set yourself up for success. 2. Clean out the Blower Assembly The blower assembly consists of a fan that helps move the heat generated by the furnace into your ventilation...

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Indoor Air Quality for Homes with Pets

Pets are a part of your family, and allowing them to move freely in your home is essential to their well-being. When accounting for your indoor air quality, you need to take into consideration the contribution your furry companions make when it comes to burdensome airborne particles. Just as humans shed skin cells that contribute to dust, animals shed pet dander. Your pets shed fur and can bring dirt and other pollutants into your home from the outdoors, so it’s important that you take steps to protect your indoor air quality. Signs of Poor Indoor Air Quality If you’re experiencing allergy-like symptoms such as shortness of breath and watery eyes, these may be due to poor indoor air quality. A lot of these reactions may not be apparent until well after your pet has joined your family, so don’t be too quick to rule out their presence as a likely cause. There’s no need to worry, though. Unless there is a pathological cause for these symptoms, there are a few actions you can take to alleviate the effects your pet has on your indoor air quality. Here are a few. Vacuum Regularly Vacuuming at least twice a week will ensure...

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5 Ways to Save Energy this Fall

Autumn brings lower temperatures, and you’ll want to be prepared for them. This means more than just having a well-maintained heating system, though. The following are five tips that can help you save on your energy bills. 1. Preventing Drafts Drafts will suck the warm air right out of your home, so weatherstripping will be in order. You can seal cracks in doors and windows with caulking, spray foam or foam tape. Also, consider more energy-efficient windows like double-pane windows. 2. Adding Insulation Chances are that your home has inadequate levels of insulation in the attic and wall cavities. After you find out what type of insulation you have and what its R-value is, you can add to the preexisting insulation or replace it entirely with insulation that boasts a higher R-value. The higher the R-value, the more resistance to heat flow. 3. Programming the Thermostat Try not to forget to program the thermostat before long trips. That way, you won’t return to a freezing home and make your heater run for an inordinate length of time to get the temperature back to normal. 4. Maintain Good Airflow in the Ducts Heating systems wear down when airflow is hindered by...

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How to Deal With Rust on an Air Conditioner

As with anything else that is exposed to the elements, your air conditioner could be vulnerable to rust. The good news is that you don’t necessarily need to replace your air conditioner if you take action in a timely manner. The Unit Could Be Repaired The folks at may be able to take steps to remove rust and salvage the air condenser unit. This can be done by scraping the rust off, priming the surface and painting it with a material that will protect it from salt and rain. If the unit cannot be repaired, we can help you choose a unit that is designed to handle the weather conditions in the San Antonio area. Rust May Be Detected During a Service Appointment Ideally, you should have a technician inspect your air conditioner at least once or twice a year. This can make it easier to spot rust or other problems while they are relatively minor and easy to fix. Furthermore, it can prevent issues from occurring that may not be covered by a warranty or that could cause your warranty to void. In many cases, allowing rust to form could be seen as a sign of negligence and negate...

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What Are Swamp Coolers?

A swamp cooler, also known as an evaporative cooler, cools the air via water evaporation. This method of air cooling is often more efficient than using traditional air conditioning systems. Also, in areas with dry climates, the swamp cooler adds moisture to the air, which makes the room more comfortable. Dry climates are the ideal region to use swamp coolers. In humid, muggy areas of the United States swamp coolers do not cool as efficiently. Swamp coolers work best in areas where the relative humidity is less than 60%. There are some exceptions to this. If the area that needs to be cooled is at least partially outdoors, a swamp cooler may be a good solution. This is because the outdoor area allows moisture to evaporate. Benefits of Swamp Coolers Swamp coolers are a less complicated cooling system than traditional air conditioners. They do not use refrigerants or compressors. They only need a fan, pump and, of course, water. They are also very affordable to operate. Using a swamp cooler to cool your home in the summer will not drive up your utility bill as often happens with air conditioning. On average, it is about 50% less expensive to operate...

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How Do I Check My Home for Air Leaks?

Home air leaks are a major cause of reduced home energy efficiency, higher utility bills, and increased wear and tear on your HVAC system. In the San Antonio area, air leaks can be especially devastating because all of that hot, dry daytime air can seep into your home. This means more expensive bills and less comfortable for you and your family. Despite the many problems they cause, air leaks often go undetected for decades. Your home may have air leaks that you don’t even know about. Luckily, is here to share a few simple ways you can find air leaks in your home. 1. Candle Method Did you know that some leaks can be detected with just a candle? With this test, you’re looking for telltale signs of leaks, such as the flame flickering or blowing out or smoke getting blown into the room. Before you begin, be sure to turn off your home’s heating and cooling system to ensure accurate results. To do the test, simply light a candle and (carefully) pass it near the seams of windows and external doors. 2. Depressurization Method You can use this test to find leaks smaller than what a candle could detect....

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Benefits of Product Warranties

Purchasing a heating and cooling system should give you peace of mind. A reliable operating unit will keep your interior comfortable and relatively safe. However, even the best systems from the top manufacturers can run into mechanical problems. Sometimes, the unit comes with an unexpected defect. When troubles arise, the benefits of product warranties become apparent. Here are some warranty benefits you shouldn’t overlook. Units Become Less Costly The cost of repairs adds to the expense of owning the unit. With a product warranty, coverage extends to the costs of specified repairs. Now, not every repair falls under a warranty’s coverage. If you damage the system due to negligence, you have to pay for repairs. A faulty part, however, will likely fall under the coverage umbrella. Be sure you know the duration of the warranty. Two years of parts and 10 years of labor are frequent deals. Regardless of the warranty, be sure you buy the right system for your home. At , we offer a wide range of heating and cooling systems known for their efficiency and reliability. Repair Requests Are Efficient Manufacturers only work with specific repair pros to handle warranty service requests. Certified warranty technicians are often...

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Should I Turn My AC Off When I Go on Vacation?

Whether to turn off or leave on an air conditioner while on vacation is a common question. Which choice is the smartest in terms of saving energy? Look at Several Factors Like many things in life, there’s no simple answer. It depends on several factors, including exterior temperature and humidity. The Climate What you should do certainly depends on your climate. Here at in San Antonio, we understand that it gets extremely hot, and we’re always here to help people with their AC units. If you’re going to be away for a hot stretch with temperatures near the century mark, you should probably leave your AC on while you’re away. If the weather is mild, go ahead and turn it off. The reasoning behind this is that, in some cases, your system would have to work too hard to cool down your house upon your return. It would have to run around the clock for possibly several days to get things back to normal. This constant running isn’t ideal for your components, even if they’re well maintained. If you keep the AC on, your house will stay at a pleasant temperature and nothing will get overloaded. Humidity is very important...

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The Biggest 5 Causes of Air Conditioning Airflow Problems

Air conditioning airflow issues can eventually lead to your compressor failing. That’s why it’s so important to have these problems examined by a reliable AC repair technician as soon as you notice warm and cool spots in various rooms. If your house is not getting cool enough or you experience air pressure issues, there are additional signs that you have an airflow problem with your AC unit. 1. Blower Fans Not Working Blower fans move the air through your ducts and keep the airflow consistent. If they are blocked by any objects or bogged down with dirt or dust, they can move much slower than they are designed to, which means the air will not move as quickly. 2. Condenser Unit Not Clear The condenser unit should always be free from debris and dirt. Try to remember to visually inspect it often so that it is not covered by leaves, branches or other objects in your yard. 3. Air Filters Not Replaced Always replace your air filters as often as the maker of your AC unit recommends. This is an inexpensive and relatively easy way to make sure that the air is always flowing through your home. 4. Ducts Not...

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Is AC the Same as HVAC?

Whenever you are looking for a contractor to help you with your heating or cooling system, there are a few terms you should understand. There is a common misconception about two of these terms: HVAC and AC. Are these terms referring to different kinds of companies or specializations, or are they interchangeable terms? Interchangeable Acronyms The terms are used interchangeably, but they both stand for different things. AC stands for air conditioning, while HVAC stands for heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Since air conditioning just means regulating the temperature of the air, whether it be heating or cooling, the terms can be used to mean the same thing. AC Contractor Services Whether a company advertises as an HVAC contractor or an AC contractor, it will generally offer the same services. The most common include AC system installation, maintenance, and repair, as well as heating and indoor air quality. Heating Whether you are installing a new heating system or you just need repairs on an old one, an HVAC contractor may be necessary. In addition, regular maintenance of your system can help to keep it working more efficiently and make it last longer. Ventilation Proper ventilation is necessary to keep your...

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