Should I Turn My AC Off When I Go on Vacation?

Whether to turn off or leave on an air conditioner while on vacation is a common question. Which choice is the smartest in terms of saving energy? Look at Several Factors Like many things in life, there’s no simple answer. It depends on several factors, including exterior temperature and humidity. The Climate What you should do certainly depends on your climate. Here at in San Antonio, we understand that it gets extremely hot, and we’re always here to help people with their AC units. If you’re going to be away for a hot stretch with temperatures near the century mark, you should probably leave your AC on while you’re away. If the weather is mild, go ahead and turn it off. The reasoning behind this is that, in some cases, your system would have to work too hard to cool down your house upon your return. It would have to run around the clock for possibly several days to get things back to normal. This constant running isn’t ideal for your components, even if they’re well maintained. If you keep the AC on, your house will stay at a pleasant temperature and nothing will get overloaded. Humidity is very important...

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How to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

You might not think too much about the air you’re breathing inside your home, but it can seriously affect your health. Having poor air quality indoors can increase your risk of having health issues, especially if you have asthma or allergies. You can improve the indoor air quality in your San Antonio home by doing one or more of the following: Keep Humidity Under Control Having high humidity in your home can lead to mold growth, especially in dark, damp areas. Since some types of mold can cause severe health problems, it’s important to reduce the risk of mold growth. Having low humidity in your home makes the air too dry, which can cause you to have sinus problems and irritated, cracked skin. Keeping the humidity in your home at a healthy level prevents these problems from occurring. You can do this by running a humidifier or dehumidifier as needed and using exhaust fans in bathrooms and kitchens. Get an Air Filter An air filtration system offers a convenient way to keep the air inside your home as clean as possible on an ongoing basis. These systems help get rid of pollutants and small particles that can build up inside...

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