The ability to read HVAC gauges is an important skill because allows someone to troubleshoot their heating, cooling and ventilation system in San Antonio, TX. When an HVAC unit is not operating as expected, sometimes there are obvious signs. Then, there are times when there are no obvious signs. At MD Air Conditioning & Heating, our qualified technicians read gauges to troubleshoot the systems of our customers. The goal is to solve the issue in an efficient manner. If you want to learn how to read these gauges, here is an overview.
The Right Equipment
To successfully read the gauges of your HVAC system, you must have the right equipment. Today, there are analog devices on the market as well as digital. Since professionals work in this area on an almost daily basis, they acquire the gauges that help them do their job best. The most common device is the gauge manifold. It delivers an analog readout. Other versions can also deliver a digital readout.
If you would like to determine the device that will help you troubleshoot your HVAC unit best, consider heading over to your local hardware store. You can speak with a salesperson who is knowledgeable in this area. They can offer you some guidance.
Why Do You Need to Read the HVAC Gauges?
When an HVAC unit is not operating as intended, if you enjoy being able to heat, cool and ventilate your home, you need to find out what is going on. Obvious leaks, sounds and smells can point you in the right direction. Each of these symptoms indicates that the unit needs repair, replacement or a new installation. When you cannot see the causes of the symptoms, however, the gauges allow you to read the pressure of various fluids and gasses.
The refrigerant in your HVAC unit is a fluid. It cannot be accessed without special equipment. So, if your unit is failing and it may be the level of the refrigerant, the reading confirms or denies your suspicion. In order for the unit to work properly, the gasses and liquids must move efficiently from one chamber to another. Cooling occurs when the refrigerant level is topped off or at least close. It goes from a liquid-state to a gas-state, and then, back to a liquid. If the coil is leaking or the refrigerant level is low, your unit will not cool at an optimal level.
The Right Connections
Professionals in the HVAC industry know that homeowners enjoy completing their fair share of DIY projects. One of the reasons why professionals prefer to complete the diagnostics is connecting the gauge correctly is important. An HVAC gauge has several connections and hoses. If you connect a hose to the wrong unit component, you risk causing damage when you attempt to get a readout.
The low-pressure gauge has to be connected to the low-pressure side of the device. To a professional, this is obvious. It is also obvious to a person who is thinking in a logical manner. Mistakes do occur, however. So, before you try to get a reading, double-check that the hoses are connected to the right part.
Purchase the Right Device
If you believe in acquiring this skill, take a look at the HVAC gauges on the market. This will help you familiarize yourself with their sizes and features. The heating, cooling and ventilation industry is built on a foundation of technology. As it evolves, so does its equipment. You need to take into consideration the kind of system you home has installed. If your home is older, it may still have a central system with ductwork. If you live in a multi-unit building or a newer home, you have may ductless units installed in at least one room. You want to make sure that the device is compatible with your unit.
Your goal is to purchase the HVAC gauge device that has all the features that you are going to need to diagnose your unit. There are devices that can complete one reading but do not include the latest functions. Instead of purchasing more than one device, go for the one that completes as many readings as possible.
To schedule one of our HVAC technicians to troubleshoot your unit using gauges, contact us at MD Air Conditioning & Heating in San Antonio. We also offer repair, replacement and maintenance services.
Tags: HVAC Gauges, HVAC Services, HVAC Tips